Dr. James Stewart, Family Optometrist, Fresno, CA

Dr. James Stewart, Family Optometrist (559) 258-0688

6053 N. Palm Ave., Fresno, CA 93704
Do you have a child with a reading or attention deficit problem (A.D.D.)?  
Dr. Stewart has tested over 20,000 children, and written a manual about visual stress and its management called, "Eyegiene--Manual for the Care and Maintenance of the Eyes."  This is a real blessing for students, parents, computer users, or anyone concerned about the deterioration of the mind and eyes.  Ask us about receiving a copy.  Just read about one child's results. . .
Dawn F.
Miami Beach, FL 33141

Dear Dr. Stewart,

I would like to thank you for sending me the Eyegiene program. 
It has been a blessing for my son Zach.

Since kindergarten, my son has struggled to even barely pass 
to the next grade. After he failed kindergarten, I enrolled my son 
in an out-of state school, where he would be provided with individual 
attention. He still had a hard time.  Finally, we had him tested for 
Attention Deficit Disorder.

At that time, I inquired about your program that may help children 
with A.D.D. Since I had exhausted all efforts to help my son, at a cost 
of over $200,000, I decided that we would apply “Eyegiene” to his 
daily activities. I sent the manual to his teacher and tutor.

After two weeks, there was a noticeable improvement. Gradually, 
Zach’s grades began getting better and better. Last Friday, Zach 
made a 100 in phonics, a 90 in math, and a 90 in spelling when, 
just 4 months ago, they had recommended that he repeat second grade!

Thanks to you Dr Stewart, my son will proceed to the third grade and 
attend school with his little sister. Next year, Zach will attend school 
in Florida, where three years ago, he failed kindergarten.

I thank God that we found you. My son has pride and confidence when 
before he wouldn’t talk because he felt stupid. My daughter, Naomi gets 
to go to school with her big brother, whom she has missed so much, and 
I have my family complete. This has been a very painful experience.

There are not enough words to express my gratitude. May God bless you 
as you help other children have a better life.

Dawn F. 
Miami Beach, FL
If you would like more information about visual stress management for 
computer users, students, and other visually-threatened people,  please send us an email using the Contact Us Form.  
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Dr. James Stewart, Family Optometrist 6053 N. Palm Ave., Fresno, CA 93704 (559) 258-0688
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